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Argueso Lab
Our Research

Dr. Cris Argueso (Principal Investigator)
PhD, Cornell University
Office: C210 Plant Sciences
Phone: (970) 491-3054

Alyx Shigenaga (PhD Candidate)
Agricultural Biology Program emphasis Plant Pathology
2019 NIFA Predoctoral Fellow
2018 - 2019 VPR Fellow
B.Sc., Humboldt State University

Hannah Berry (PhD Candidate)
Cell & Molecular Biology Program
2019 NIFA Predoctoral Fellow
2019-2020 SOGES Fellow
B.Sc., North Carolina State University

Katy McIntyre (PhD Candidate)
Secretary of the ASPB Ambassador Alliance
2017 NSF-GRFP Fellow
Cell & Molecular Biology Program
B.Sc., Colorado State University

Carlos Juarez-Guzman (MS Student)
Cell & Molecular Biology Program
B.Sc., Colorado State University

Grace Johnston (Undergraduate Researcher)
Colorado State University
ASPB SURF Fellow 2018

Sophie Soward (Undergraduate Researcher)
Colorado State University
BSPM Undergraduate Research Fellow 2018
Argueso Lab Alumni
Johnny Johns, former undergraduate researcher, now a graduate student at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dawn Hajdu, former graduate student and undergraduate researcher
Ruthie Watson, former research associate, now a research associate in Dr. Lucas Argueso's lab at CSU
Dr. Tessa Albrecht, former postdoctoral fellow, now a research associate in Dr. Nalam lab at CSU
Riley Smith, former high school student researcher, now an undergraduate student at Colorado State University
Katie Cleary, former undergraduate researcher, now a Masters in Education at Hamline University
Felipe Vicentino Salvador, former undergraduate researcher, now a graduate student at Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Brazil
Kristine Johnson, former high school student researcher, now an undergraduate student at Rice University
Mary Chapman, former undergraduate researcher, now a researcher at National Jewish Hospital
Sophia Moore, former undergraduate researcher, now a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Emily Holcomb, former undergraduate researcher, now a Coordinator at The Civic Canopy
Andy Thran, former graduate student, now a Laboratory Operations Manager at Peebles Lab
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